Sunday, February 7, 2016

Using The Right Traps

This post is mainly for the beginners, although some experienced trappers can benefit from it too. That being said, I will cut to the chase.
RACCOON'S AND OPOSSUMS are now the most commonly caught fur, it being what most of the beginners start with. the best trap for them is the dog proof trap. they are VERY productive and safe. If you can not get any of these gems, then the #11 is the next best. It is better than the #1 1/2 because of its small jawspread, which makes it harder for raccoon's to chew. It has tremendous holding power, but should not be overtaxed.
COYOTES are big, hefty animals and although a #2 will hold one, it is not preferred because of its small jawspread. The #3 is a whole lot better because if he steps on that pan, you have him hard. (I like the Victor longsprings myself)
FOX are smaller than the coyote, and trap sizes should be thought of in this way. If you are sure that you are just going to catch fox, than a 1 1/2 offset coilspring is ideal. If there are a mix of foxes and coyotes, than a #2 is preferred because you will not loose a coyote as easily.
BEAVERS AND OTTERS are also big and tough, in fact it may be the hardest-fighting animal you trap. the 280's and 330's are wonderful, but if you are trapping in a colony, than it can scare the other beavers out of their wits. When this happens,try replacing the conibear with a #4 longspring on a drowner, or a 5-foot snare. MOST OF THE TIME this works, but nothing is foolproof.
MINK are probably the softest fur we catch. They are small animals, and the 110 is best for most sets (esp. blind sets), but the #1 stoploss is the best foot trap, for you can drown them in short order.
SKUNKS are very interesting animals, and they will, when caught, readily chew their foot off to get out. because of this, the stoploss and double-jawed traps ( preferably #1) are the best choice. I got my first skunk in a #2, and he chewed his whole leg off, but stayed in there by about 1/2" of stub.

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